East of England

Information about individual prisons is maintained by HM Prison and Probation Service and Ministry of Justice and can be found on the main gov.uk website: www.gov.uk/government/collections/prisons-in-england-and-wales

To obtain more information, or to apply to be an OPV, please provide your name and first part of your postcode (this will help us identify the prison in your area) by email to info@naopv.com

Prison Postcode Nearest major town Cat / num Notes
Bure NR10 5GB Badersfield, Norwich Cat C, 650 men
Highpoint CB8 9YG Stradishall, Newmarket Cat C, 1300 men
Hollesley Bay IP12 3JW Woodbridge Cat C, 500  men, YOI
Norwich NR1 4LU Norwich Cat C, 750 men
Warren Hill IP12 3BF Woodbridge Cat C, 250 men
Wayland IP25 6RL Thetford Cat C, 1000 men
Whitemoor PE15 0PR March, Cambs Cat A, 500 men



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Key to Cat/num

Categories:   A – High security including terrorists,     B & C – Closed,    D – Open

Juveniles – under 18

YOI – young offenders – 18 to 22

num – maximum capacity