Links to other organisations

Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)

The executive agency sponsored by the Ministry of Justice to carry out sentences given by the courts. They aim to rehabilitate people in their care through education and employment.

Ministry of Justice

A major government department which has responsibility for running the justice system, including prisons.

Prisoners’ Families Helpline

An organisation offering support if a family member is in contact with the criminal justice system.

Howard League for Penal Reform

A national charity which works to reduce crime, the numbers of people in prisons and to ensure safer communities.

Inside Time

The national newspaper for prisoners and detainees which is distributed throughout the prison estate.

The Prison Reform Trust

An independent charity which works to create a just and effective penal system.

St Giles Trust

A charity which uses expertise and experience to empower people who are not getting the help that they need.

New Bridge

A charity which supports volunteers to befriend prisoners by exchanging letters and visiting.

Prisoners’ Penfriends

A scheme which provides penfriends from the community for prisoners in England and Wales.

The Langley Trust

A charity providing offender rehabilitation support.

The Koestler Trust

A charity which helps prisoners, ex-offenders and detainees express themselves creatively. The NAOPV are grateful for their support in providing some of the illustrations for this website.


Supports the voluntary sector organisations who work with people in the criminal justice system and their families.

Email a Prisoner

A service operated by Unilink and approved by HMPPS providing a secure alternative method of communication with prisoners by email.

PACT (Prison Advice and Care Trust)

A charity which provides a range of support services for offenders (and their families) whilst in pre-custody, inside prison and on release back into society.

With Love, HM Prison Standford Hill, 2018

Faith based organisations

Please note that the NAOPV is a non faith-based organisation and does not promote any one faith or religion. The links provided here are provided for information only.

Welcome Directory

A charity which helps people leaving prison find communities of welcome.

The Pagan Federation

An organisation which provides chaplaincy and support to pagan prisoners.

Prison Hope

A Christian organisation whose vision is to see churches engaged with their local prisons.